Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Best Comments Are On YouTube...Not Really...

First off, I don't always look at comments when I'm watching YouTube videos. I was watching a video by Laci Green where she gives her opinion on one of Jenna Marbles' videos which was about sluts. I've only seen a few videos of Laci Green and several videos of Jenna Marbles. Honestly, I like both of them. Now back on topic...
After watching the full video of Laci Green expressing her thoughts and opinions towards "sluts" I decided to scroll down to view the comments to see what other people say about her opinions. I have seen comments on other videos that I've seen in the past and I have come to the realization that most of them are basically all the same. What I mean by that is I have always seen a lot of strong negative people out in the world commenting these videos. Some of these comments I find quite interesting.

For example:
A YouTube viewer named Alexander stated a fact by replying to what another viewer commented about Laci Green being a huge feminist. The comments go on and on about what feminist are and so on. They are endless but this one really caught my eye and I'll explain why I thought it was interesting.

Alexander: "We all know what an actual feminist is, it's a womens rights activist group created in the 70'es. What we have now are misandrist women who get off to being victimised on Tumblr and other social media, I find it sort of commendable to see how long this fake 'movement' has gotten because honestly,"

That is exactly how it was typed. No joke. This is what this one person replied...

hizzblom: "and you're bottom line a fucking idiot. Go jerk off to rape porn and eat a hot pocket you fucking cunt."

Now, I shall explain why this falls under Annoying People and why it was interesting. I have dealt with a lot of nasty people at school and my jobs. I've never had dealt with people that would ever say something like this to another person's face. I realize how that can be hard to believe. Comments like hizzblom's is pretty interesting. Why? Because I know for a fact that he/she/it would never ever say this to Alexander's face. I think that's what hizzblom wants to do all that. In that case, hizzblom, I'm going to write you a prescription on a medication that has helped a lot of people. The the medication is called Life and buddy you really do need it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quit Driving So Close To My Ass

It's a wonderful day! The birds are chirping happily, the sky is clear and blue, and the sun is shining with a huge smile on its face as you're driving down the street when you look in your mirror and see this fucktard...

Not only is doing this shit not smart at all, but it's pretty fucking annoying. I CANNOT stand it when someone is driving that close to my car. It pisses me off to no end. So if you want to be an asshole and drive that close to my car, do not be surprised that I randomly slam on my brakes. If your car is up my car's ass, I will shove my foot up your ass. Think twice before you drive that close to somebody's car. If you hit their car, someone with a temper like mine (or even worse), will get out and whoop your ass.

One more thing, there might be kids the car in front of you. So if Mama Bear suddenly brakes at a light and you run into her and she has her little cubs in the backseat, you might as well choke yourself with your seatbelt cause Mama Bear is gonna get out of her minivan and rip you up to shreds.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Things That Girls Do #2

Once again, some girls disgust me. I believe the duck face is finally dying, but there's something else that has been a huge thing for as long as I can remember. Everywhere I go I see a bunch of orange colored women. I guess oompa loopas get spring break and summer vacation from the Wonka Factory. Maybe I should change jobs. Anyways, I'm trying to understand what's so great about being so freakin orange!? Come on, ladies, lay outside and sunbath to get a good tan. The only kind of men that you'll attract are men that have an unnatural oompa loopa fetish and men whose favorite color is orange.

The Things That Girls Do #1

There are some many things that girls do that annoy the living hell out of me. I'm sure many guys out there can agree with me on some of these things. I'm sure most of you guys have a lot more to add to the list. Here is my list and I'm sure that I'll be adding on to it later on... Here's is one of the things that girls do that annoy me.

GIRLS, STOP WITH THIS STUPID CRAP!!! I'm with the guys on this one, if you don't want to be treated like your a slut then stop freakin posting these stupid pictures and putting them on the internet. If you post this online or go out in public half naked, you're gonna get that kind of attention. I can't stand girls that dress like sluts, go out in public, and freak out over guys staring at them. Wake up and open your damn eyes! Of course guys are going to stare at you. There are guys out there that think with their peckers more than they do with their actual brains. Stop dressing like a slut and quit acting like a slut. Keep the goodies inside for the man that deserves that view and that interesting side of you. You're just as bad as the guys. Some guys can't keep their pants on just like some of you girls can't keep your clothes on.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Here's A Tip: Go Back To School

I came across this and shook my head in disgust. I've come to realize that servers have it just as hard as people that work in retail. The only difference is, people that work in retail don't get tips. Now, the first thing that I'm going to point out on this is the little note that the customer left for the server. "P.S. You cold stand to loose a few pounds." That's seriously how I read it at first. I'm sure they mean "could" but I don't see a "u" in there. This person not only needs to go back to school for bad spelling, they need to learn how to properly write letters. I'll admit, sometimes my grammar is not at its best but that's beside the point. Whether the server was nice to them or not, I don't think writing that is called for. If the service was really bad, take it up with their boss and let them take care of it. Or you could write, "Here's a tip: You could show more kindness towards your customers." Something like that. Now, if that server was extremely nice to them, then they need a good kick in the ass. Hopefully, if not already, karma will come and bite down hard on their stupid ass.
If you like reading funny blogs I suggest clicking on this link. Especially if you are a server. I love reading Bitchy Waiter's blogs. I can assure you, will you get a kick out of some of these.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

To The Cashiers That Get Yelled At About Prices:

I'm sure a lot of you have worked in retail at some point. I'm sure that you had to deal with customers that bitched about the prices. I have personally dealt with it myself. It's extremely annoying. Today, I was shopping at Walmart to get some pet food and a new flat iron. While waiting in the checkout line, the customer in front of me was screaming at the cashier. The cashier looked like she was in high school. She stood there in complete silence while the woman screamed at her about their pricing being too high. I was very tempted to punch the chick. The cashier should have been givin' an award for not hopping over the counter and punching that bitch's lights out. The girl was being as sweet as can be to the woman by kindly explaining to her that she is just a cashier and does not decided on the prices and how it is all corporate control. Unfortunately, the woman would not even give her a chance to speak. The girl even said that she could get her manager to come and speak with her. The woman would not shut the hell up. Eventually, I lost my temper.
"Ma'am, she is trying to explain to you that she has no control over the prices of their products and you won't even give her the time of day to even talk. Give her a chance to explain or go to the customer service desk and file a complaint," I told her.
The woman just glared at me. I wanted her to take a swing at me. Instead, the woman stomped out of the store.
Whenever you go to Walmart, Krogers, Walgreens, CVS, and so on, keep in mind, corporations set the prices based on supply and demand and also based on location. Do not take it out on the employees. Also, be sure you are looking at the price tag before you grab shit off the shelf. If you do that, you won't look like a huge dumbass when you go to check out.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Shhhh! Be Very, Very Quiet. I'm Huntin Ugly Ducks!

I decide to check Facebook and the first thing is see is a bunch of dumb bitches with their lips puckered out like beaks. Girls, you have got to be kidding me! If you are trying to get a guy's attention, you are sure as hell not going to get it. You look really stupid. The first thing that the dude is going to think is, Is that how she kisses...? The only attention you're going to get is a hunter looking for ugly ducks like you to shoot. If you are having your picture taken, SMILE! Smiles are a lot more attractive than the ugly duck face. Guys would rather see a beautiful smile so show them your pearly whites, ladies! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Today's Driving Lesson: What Is A Blinker?

I am one of those people that will flip a shit when someone does not use a blinker when driving. I turn on my blinker to get into a turn lane and automatically get cut off by someone in front of me that decides they want to turn into the next street as well but have no idea how to let others know that they are about to turn. Now, if you don't know what a blinker is, you should go back to driving school or have your parents/guardians show you. Maybe that will help you realize that a blinker can be your best friend. If you are one of those people that likes to randomly stop and turn without using a blinker, then you deserve a large pineapple shoved your ass. So please, get into the habit of using your blinker when you are going to turn. Especially use your blinker when you want to get into the next lane. You have a better chance of not having someone ramming into you from behind.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dumpster Dive Anyone?

How stupid can people really be? I work in retail and I always come across a newsletter from our bosses about people stealing from our store. Maybe it's about time for them to hire someone to stand at the doors and check bags or something? Anyways, I come to work one morning to see a picture of an unusual couple coming into our store. They were stealing stuff by finding receipts that people threw away in the outside trash cans and bringing them into the store. This is very common in Krogers, Walmart...pretty much most big stores. I guess they had forgotten that are cameras since you can clearly see a picture outside the store of the woman digging through our trash and coming in with a bunch of receipts in her hand shortly after the guy had came in. To top it off, they left the store together. Not long after that, they were caught doing it again at another store. We find people doing this all the time and always catching them. If you have to dig through other people's nasty ass trash to make a quick buck, then you should probably consider getting a job or finding a new job. Your stupidity is a lot nastier and smells way worst than garbage. The shit that comes out of my dog's ass is a lot better than the shit that comes out of your mouth when you try to return something that you never even bought.