Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Things That Girls Do #1

There are some many things that girls do that annoy the living hell out of me. I'm sure many guys out there can agree with me on some of these things. I'm sure most of you guys have a lot more to add to the list. Here is my list and I'm sure that I'll be adding on to it later on... Here's is one of the things that girls do that annoy me.

GIRLS, STOP WITH THIS STUPID CRAP!!! I'm with the guys on this one, if you don't want to be treated like your a slut then stop freakin posting these stupid pictures and putting them on the internet. If you post this online or go out in public half naked, you're gonna get that kind of attention. I can't stand girls that dress like sluts, go out in public, and freak out over guys staring at them. Wake up and open your damn eyes! Of course guys are going to stare at you. There are guys out there that think with their peckers more than they do with their actual brains. Stop dressing like a slut and quit acting like a slut. Keep the goodies inside for the man that deserves that view and that interesting side of you. You're just as bad as the guys. Some guys can't keep their pants on just like some of you girls can't keep your clothes on.

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