Sunday, March 23, 2014

Today's Driving Lesson: What Is A Blinker?

I am one of those people that will flip a shit when someone does not use a blinker when driving. I turn on my blinker to get into a turn lane and automatically get cut off by someone in front of me that decides they want to turn into the next street as well but have no idea how to let others know that they are about to turn. Now, if you don't know what a blinker is, you should go back to driving school or have your parents/guardians show you. Maybe that will help you realize that a blinker can be your best friend. If you are one of those people that likes to randomly stop and turn without using a blinker, then you deserve a large pineapple shoved your ass. So please, get into the habit of using your blinker when you are going to turn. Especially use your blinker when you want to get into the next lane. You have a better chance of not having someone ramming into you from behind.

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