Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Best Comments Are On YouTube...Not Really...

First off, I don't always look at comments when I'm watching YouTube videos. I was watching a video by Laci Green where she gives her opinion on one of Jenna Marbles' videos which was about sluts. I've only seen a few videos of Laci Green and several videos of Jenna Marbles. Honestly, I like both of them. Now back on topic...
After watching the full video of Laci Green expressing her thoughts and opinions towards "sluts" I decided to scroll down to view the comments to see what other people say about her opinions. I have seen comments on other videos that I've seen in the past and I have come to the realization that most of them are basically all the same. What I mean by that is I have always seen a lot of strong negative people out in the world commenting these videos. Some of these comments I find quite interesting.

For example:
A YouTube viewer named Alexander stated a fact by replying to what another viewer commented about Laci Green being a huge feminist. The comments go on and on about what feminist are and so on. They are endless but this one really caught my eye and I'll explain why I thought it was interesting.

Alexander: "We all know what an actual feminist is, it's a womens rights activist group created in the 70'es. What we have now are misandrist women who get off to being victimised on Tumblr and other social media, I find it sort of commendable to see how long this fake 'movement' has gotten because honestly,"

That is exactly how it was typed. No joke. This is what this one person replied...

hizzblom: "and you're bottom line a fucking idiot. Go jerk off to rape porn and eat a hot pocket you fucking cunt."

Now, I shall explain why this falls under Annoying People and why it was interesting. I have dealt with a lot of nasty people at school and my jobs. I've never had dealt with people that would ever say something like this to another person's face. I realize how that can be hard to believe. Comments like hizzblom's is pretty interesting. Why? Because I know for a fact that he/she/it would never ever say this to Alexander's face. I think that's what hizzblom wants to do all that. In that case, hizzblom, I'm going to write you a prescription on a medication that has helped a lot of people. The the medication is called Life and buddy you really do need it.

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