Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quit Driving So Close To My Ass

It's a wonderful day! The birds are chirping happily, the sky is clear and blue, and the sun is shining with a huge smile on its face as you're driving down the street when you look in your mirror and see this fucktard...

Not only is doing this shit not smart at all, but it's pretty fucking annoying. I CANNOT stand it when someone is driving that close to my car. It pisses me off to no end. So if you want to be an asshole and drive that close to my car, do not be surprised that I randomly slam on my brakes. If your car is up my car's ass, I will shove my foot up your ass. Think twice before you drive that close to somebody's car. If you hit their car, someone with a temper like mine (or even worse), will get out and whoop your ass.

One more thing, there might be kids the car in front of you. So if Mama Bear suddenly brakes at a light and you run into her and she has her little cubs in the backseat, you might as well choke yourself with your seatbelt cause Mama Bear is gonna get out of her minivan and rip you up to shreds.

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