Friday, March 28, 2014

Here's A Tip: Go Back To School

I came across this and shook my head in disgust. I've come to realize that servers have it just as hard as people that work in retail. The only difference is, people that work in retail don't get tips. Now, the first thing that I'm going to point out on this is the little note that the customer left for the server. "P.S. You cold stand to loose a few pounds." That's seriously how I read it at first. I'm sure they mean "could" but I don't see a "u" in there. This person not only needs to go back to school for bad spelling, they need to learn how to properly write letters. I'll admit, sometimes my grammar is not at its best but that's beside the point. Whether the server was nice to them or not, I don't think writing that is called for. If the service was really bad, take it up with their boss and let them take care of it. Or you could write, "Here's a tip: You could show more kindness towards your customers." Something like that. Now, if that server was extremely nice to them, then they need a good kick in the ass. Hopefully, if not already, karma will come and bite down hard on their stupid ass.
If you like reading funny blogs I suggest clicking on this link. Especially if you are a server. I love reading Bitchy Waiter's blogs. I can assure you, will you get a kick out of some of these.

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