Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dumpster Dive Anyone?

How stupid can people really be? I work in retail and I always come across a newsletter from our bosses about people stealing from our store. Maybe it's about time for them to hire someone to stand at the doors and check bags or something? Anyways, I come to work one morning to see a picture of an unusual couple coming into our store. They were stealing stuff by finding receipts that people threw away in the outside trash cans and bringing them into the store. This is very common in Krogers, Walmart...pretty much most big stores. I guess they had forgotten that are cameras since you can clearly see a picture outside the store of the woman digging through our trash and coming in with a bunch of receipts in her hand shortly after the guy had came in. To top it off, they left the store together. Not long after that, they were caught doing it again at another store. We find people doing this all the time and always catching them. If you have to dig through other people's nasty ass trash to make a quick buck, then you should probably consider getting a job or finding a new job. Your stupidity is a lot nastier and smells way worst than garbage. The shit that comes out of my dog's ass is a lot better than the shit that comes out of your mouth when you try to return something that you never even bought.